『宇沢弘文 傑作論文全ファイル』のスティグリッツ序文、宇沢とマルクス

 『宇沢弘文 傑作論文全ファイル』のスティグリッツの序文の編集版が年末に公開されていた。








MD: The readers of Macroeconomic Dynamics are macroeconomists. They’ll want to know
if that was the time you did your thinking about the two sector model?

Uzawa: Ah, Yes. The two-sector model. You see, I had still a sort of uneasy feeling about
Das Kapital and Marx’s other writings. But the more I read Marx, the harder it became to
understand him. I think I spent almost the entire summer, trying to put the second volume of
Das Kapital into a more coherent, precise analytical form. And that was how I came up with
the idea of the two-sector model.

MD: Were you influenced by any of the non-Marxist writers on the two-sector model?

Uzawa: No. After my paper was published, Bob [Robert M.] Solow wrote me that there were
quite a few literatures on that subject, including James Meade’s classic book. James Meade’s
book was published almost at the same time as my two-sector paper was published. There are
two versions of the two sector model. The first version is based on the concept of classes, á la
Marx. The basic assumption there is that the capitalists do not consume and the laborers do
not save. It turns out that created some difficulties in proving stability where the Inada
condition is related. I think that, in the next year or so, Bob Solow spent a year at the Ford
Center. I used to see him often, over coffee. The more I saw him, the more I began to feel
uneasy. Marx’s concept of class was very natural to me: you look at the economy in terms of
capitalists and laborers. But this was very strange to Bob because he always looked at the
economy in terms of individuals who behave themselves as homo economicus. The basic
premises of his classic growth model are that the economy is composed of homogenous
individuals, so each would spend some portion of his income on consumption and the rest on
savings. In Solow’s model, saving is equal to s times income, S=sY. In my model, saving is
equal to the capitalist’s profits, whereas consumption is equal to the wage bills. I don’t think I
noticed this basic difference until Bob pointed it out, and I looked at it and said “Oh, yes.” So
at that time I always looked at things in terms of the class struggle between capitalists and
After the two-sector model, I wrote an aggregate model where I think technological
progress is endogenous. That was a mere extension of Solow’s aggregate model

 ところが宇沢が思うほどにこの二部門成長モデルはマルクス的ではない。例えば彼が影響をうけた(マルクス主義になる以前の)河上肇の書いた『貧乏物語』は、この宇沢的な世界とほぼ同じである。必需品部門とぜいたく品部門の二部門経済があり、労働者と資本家がいる。必需品部門よりもぜいたく品部門でよりぜいたく品部門に資本が投入されると経済は不安定化(労働者の生活は困窮化)する。だが、このような認識は、例えばアダム・スミス以前の経済学(ボアギュベールや三浦梅園ら近代の学者たちでもいい)にさえも見られたことではないか? もちろん不生産的労働と生産的労働の分割がどうなるかで国富がどうなるかという問題意識をもっていたアダム・スミスも同じである。


