


One way it might happen is for modernising politicians in both the LDP and the DPJ—those who favour clear policies, structural reform and fiscal probity—to rebel against their leaders and join forces in a new pro-market majority. Such treachery is entertained in various new cross-party discussion groups, innocent though they look.

A central figure here is Hiroyuki Sonoda of the LDP, who in the 1990s helped found a short-lived party with now-prominent members of the DPJ. He is thought to favour Mr Yosano as the best would-be prime minister in any coup to bring down the LDP. A champion of Koizumi-style reforms, Mr Yosano himself remains enigmatic. So does Mr Koizumi, who once vowed to destroy the old LDP. He retired to the back benches in 2006 but has started giving public speeches again. His long shadow continues to haunt Japan's politics. One word from him could be enough to make—or break—any palace coup.




 海外の経済誌の分析のほとんどが床屋政談レベルでしかなく、このブログの以下のエントリーのリンク先を読んだ方がいい。まあ、それだけ厨房度が高い話題なので書き手も困るのはわかる 笑。

