
 Alberto Alesina, Michael Burda, Charles Calomiris, Roger Craine, Stijn Claessens, J Bradford DeLong, Douglas Diamond, Barry Eichengreen, Daniel Gros, Luigi Guiso, Anil K Kashyap, Marco Pagano, Avinash Persaud, Richard Portes, Raghuram G Rajan, Guido Tabellini, Charles Wyplosz and Klaus Zimmermann.らの面々が立場を超えて先進7カ国財務相中央銀行総裁会議G7)に対して提言。

 Rescuing Our Jobs And Savings: What G7/8 Leaders Can Do To Solve The Global Credit Crisis


 What we need right now are:
• Coordinated fiscal expansions across the globe.
If the world economy is not now in something close enough to a liquidity trap to
make no difference, it soon will be.

• Coordinated monetary expansions across the globe.
A bank is any organization that borrows or accepts investments short and lends long;
the durations of its assets and liabilities are deliberately mismatched; when the entire
banking sector is insolvent at current market prices, anything that reduces interest
rates all along the yield curve helps reduce the magnitude of the insolvency.

 協調利下げに日本銀行はすでにこのブログでお伝えしたとおり参加しませんでした。今後も相当な政治的圧力がないかぎり見込み薄ですが、G7会合はその突破口となるでしょうか? なお今回の国際金融危機への対応に「利下げは関係ない」とかいう奇妙な声もありますがなんといっていいやら。

• Coordinated banking sector recapitalizations across the globe.
Since at least 1844 there has been broad consensus that the short-term price of safe
liquidity is too important to be left to the market; now there is growing consensus
that the price of risk is too important to be left to the market as well. For the government
to operate on the price of risk through Operations Twist on a Galactic scale
is infeasible. That means that the aggregate degree of capitalization of the banking
system must become the object of policy choice. Call it socialism in one sector.



