





Session 23 The World and the Clash of Times

With the exception of North Korea and a few other similar political backyards, world leaders
have to cope with the tyranny of emergency. Many of them, in advanced or emerging
countries seem unable to devise and carry out a reform agenda, even at medium-term and
even with a view to improving people’s well being, not to speak of inter-generational and
climate change issues.
How can this major challenge be faced? Is it a matter of governance in relation with the
independence of Central banks originally created to counter time discrepancies? Could
we rely on specific social cross-party models like in Northern Europe? Could international
institutions be the answer as they try to be in Southern Europe? Is there no choice but to
rely on crises to compel societies to extend their vision? Or should we accept that time
preferences for the present for ever be heterogeneous and continue to divide societies?

Benoît COEURÉ (European Central Bank)
Gerhard CROMME (Siemens)
Koichi HAMADA (Special Advisor to the Prime Minister, Japan)
Pascal LAMY (World Trade Organization)
Youssou N’DOUR (Minister of Tourism and Leisure, Senegal)
Érik ORSENNA (Académie française)

Coordination: Jean PISANI-FERRY (Le Cercle des économistes)
Hosted by: François LENGLET (France 2)

 なんでもこのセッションかどうかはわかりませんが、ハイデッガーの『存在と時間』などの話題も飛び交ってたとか。思想系の僕はちょっと興味あるかな 笑。

